Election post


I have been a member of the German society for the past 4 years and I have been the interim President for the past 4 months. The German society was the first society I joined when started at UCL in 2019 and I have seen the society grow and develop and face several challenges and dilemmas over these years. I started as the Director of Sponsorship, then to Vice-President, interim-President, and now I have been given such a wonderful opportunity to become the full President of what I believe the greatest society at UCL, not just for amazing opportunities this society brings to spread the German culture, language and its associated events, but also for the wonderful bunch of people the society attracts every single year. It really does amaze me. After a successful Oktoberfest and two Stammtisch events, I would like to continue my role as President of this wonderful society. As interim-President, I have been so lucky to have such a talented committee that have all been very much motivated to put on so many events...in the making we have a TECHNO event coming soon, post-graduate events, dinners and speaker events. There is also a rumour going around about Elyas M'Barek making an appearance...but who knows ;) 

And YES language classes are coming soon! I have been very fortunate to have read some very impressive applications so far, so thank you to all of you :) 

Any who, please consider voting for me so I can continue my work as the President of the society :) bis bald Leute!


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