Election post


Hello everyone!

I'm Artemis, a final year History student who would like to rejoin the committee and restart some projects and events which I once helped to run!

Last year at Film Soc, I introduced the much enjoyed Culture Nights. Fortunately, here at our Film Society, we have a population of students who are eager and willing to engage in international cinema to see what the world of film, outside of the UK and Europe, have to offer us. However, the cultural nuances and messages aren't always taken in so well. And occasionally we try to interpret the details of "foreign" cinema through a home grown lens. 

The purpose of Culture Nights is to introduce viewers to a particular genre, region or school of cinema not just via a screening of the film, but with an introduction to the conditions, thoughts and cultural nuances that came together to become the film. By doing so, we can hopefully comprehend the particular themes of international cinema, which we aren't so used to experiencing, as something grounded and human, rather than mysterious and unfamiliar.

I also intend to hold a greater number of narratology and story based workshops to get us into discussion about why story is so important and how we can grow and develop as story makers. 

Thank you so much for your consideration!

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