Election post



Regardless of its quality or content, it is often the difference of strong versus weak marketing which separates a successful from an unsuccessful event. Having attended some of UCLES’s largest social events, I would love to get more involved with this society and encourage a similar enthusiasm for its more academic events (e.g. conferences) as well. 

The dissemination of information through social media is more prevalent than ever, as such the ability to leverage these platforms is vital. As one of the many chronically online students attending this uni, I believe I have a firm understanding as to the type of media that draws the curiosity of its users–I’m only half joking. But as a current UCL Filmsoc member and a former AP Drawing student I’d like to say I have at least some awareness of creative design that will greatly support my performance in this role.

Furthermore, having worked as both the coordinator of service clubs and as the president of the Student Council during my time in secondary education, I have had to organize school-wide events that hinged on my ability to effectively coordinate with, communicate to, and capture the attention of the student body. These experiences as leader and liaison bring me confidence in my ability to fulfill this position.

Thank you for your time, I would appreciate your consideration. 

Lorenzo :)