Election post


As a dedicated Civil Engineering student at UCL, with a keen interest in sustainable practices and environmental impact assessment, I believe I can bring a unique perspective and set of skills to this role.

My previous experiences, particularly my internships with the Royal Academy of Engineering in Tanzania, have not only enhanced my technical skills but also nurtured my passion for sustainability and environmental conservation. These roles required me to collaborate with diverse teams, manage multiple projects, and engage with community members, skills that are critical for the Welfare Officer role.

As a Welfare Officer, I aim to foster an inclusive and supportive environment within the Energy Society. My experience in the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Studentship Project, where I reviewed past diversity practices and created a list of best practices for inclusivity, aligns well with the responsibilities of this position. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to the well-being of society members, ensuring a welcoming and nurturing space for all.

I am particularly attracted to this role because of my involvement in the Energy Society as an active participant. This experience has given me insight into the society’s dynamics and the importance of a role that focuses on the welfare and inclusivity of its members.