Election post


Hey Everyone, 

I am Angela, an unofficial part-time medical student and full-time dodgeballer. I have been playing for a year now, and was dodging competitive sessions until the end of last year. I have now been converted and always try to encourage as many new people to join competitive sessions!

I have been standing in as interim women's captain and have concluded that I would love to make the role permanent. I believe the role of a captain is to be committed, compassionate, have good relationship with other team mates and lead by example. These are qualities I believe I have from experiences of doing team sports.

As someone who is also relatively new to Dodgeball competitions, I believe I am a good bridging point between returners and people that are new. This will ensure the team thrives!

Lastly, as women's captain, I promise to bring good vibes to every session, and as a show of me leading by example, I volunteer as tribute to being an unofficial target (Limited to one session only!!!). 


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