Election post


Interning at Singapore's foreign ministry has taught me that it is only through engagement with experts - diplomats, politicians and thought leaders - and being on the ground (such as visiting embassies) for one to fully understand the mechanisms of diplomatic work, in areas where theory and academics cannot provide. Hence I am keen on advancing Diplomacy Society's work in exposing interested students to this field. 

As a 1st year representative, regular communication between the society and first year members will be my priority. I propose having monthly check-ins with first years through Zoom calls and a Google Form (for anonymous feedback if preferred). I will work with the Marketing Officer to publicise these initiatives through our social media platforms. 

I was in the executive committee of a society that worked on social issues, where I developed strong interpersonal skills working with the exco, societal members, and external organisations on running the society, planning of projects, and collaborations respectively. I believe that these transferable skills will be utilised in working with the committee.

I will be greatly humbled to receive your support as your 1st Year Representative. I will strive to ensure that the Diplomacy Society is an inclusive space for all and work with the committee to organise purposeful and career-oriented activities. I am open to feedback on my proposed initiatives, where you can find me at [email protected]. Thank you!