Election post


Hi everyone! I'm Pei Wen, a second-year Social Science with Data Science student. 

I'm running for Events Director at the Data Visualisation Society because I believe in the power of effective data visualisation in conveying complex ideas, and I want to bring engaging and impactful events to our community.

As the Events Director I will:

  • Try my best to reach out to industry experts and professionals to bring insightful talks and panel discussions to our events.
  • Organise hackathons for our member to apply their skills in real-world scenarios and showcase their talent and creativity.
  • Create social gatherings with fun games and collaborate with other societies to provide more networking opportunities.

By organising a wider variety of events, I will ensure that every member, regardless of their level of expertise, can enhance their data visualisation skills. Also, I promise to always listen to the opinions and suggestions of members in planning future events.

Thank you for considering me for this role, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the Data Visualisation Society! ✨🤍 

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