Election post


I am running for the position of First Year Representative at the UCL Conservative Society because I believe I am the ideal candidate to represent our society's conservative ideals, which unfortunately are not as prevalent as they should be.

I strongly believe university play a crucial role in shaping our future political landscape. If elected, I aim to inspire more individuals to see beyond the societal norms and take charge of their future, embracing pragmatism, culture, tradition and especially, a free-market core.

The Conservative Party has had exceptional leaders, such as Margaret Thatcher, who delivered for the people. I aim to bring back this kind of Conservatism. With a decline in Young Conservatives, it's time for a change. We need more young individuals to oppose radical left-wing ideologies that benefit no one. I hope our society can initiate this much-needed change.

Our love for Great Britain should surpass politics. I want people to recognise that Britain's greatness is deeply tied to conservative values. Preserving our rich British culture, traditions, and maintaining a leading economy can only be achieved by upholding true Conservative principles for future generations.

I envision the UCL Conservative Society playing a pivotal role in this endeavor, and that's why I'm standing for this position.

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