Election post


I am running for the position of President of Connect.Ed Society because its vision strongly resonates with my core values. I am passionate about fostering meaningful mentorship between aspiring students and researchers, and I believe that Connect.Ed Society provides an ideal platform for realizing this vision. Over the past years, I have dedicated myself to enhancing the quality of the society's flagship program, the Research Mentorship Program (RMP). Through meticulous refinement of the Project Planning document, comprehensive risk assessments, and the introduction of initiatives such as the RMP Agreement, I have worked to ensure transparency and accountability among RMP participants. As President, I aspire to further this commitment by collaborating with other societies to introduce new academic initiatives. My goal is to create opportunities for like-minded UCL students to come together, challenge themselves, and contribute to a thriving academic community. I am excited about the prospect of leading Connect.Ed Society towards even greater heights and facilitating an environment where mentorship and academic excellence flourish.

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