Election post


Hello everyone,

I'm Guzalya, you might remember me from speech I gave about interviews ( thanks for the feedbacks :) ) or just from workshops.

Today, I'm stepping up to nominate myself for the role of External Relations Committee Member, and here's why:

I believe that effective communication is the key to unlocking potential, and now, I want to channel that belief into action within our society. The External Relations Committee is where I see myself making a meaningful impact by reaching out to other societies and crafting events with outside speakers.

Speaking of speakers, I've already thought of one. I found that there is a research group at UCL that studies how our brains control our voices and process the speech. I think this is an interesting topic to have a discussion on and would add a unique perspective to the workshops.

I want to take on this role as a chance to contribute to a community that promotes confidence in every speaker. I'm excited about the prospect of collaborating, organising, and making Communication/Public Speaking Society thrive.

Looking forward to your support!