Election post


Hey there! My name is Emily and I'm in my second year of studying Natural Sciences, where I specialize in Geoscience and Genetics, Evolution, and the Environment. I'm passionate about climate action and have been volunteering with the Countryside Rangers to learn more about the natural environment. I'm a vegetarian and try my best to reduce my use of single-use plastics whenever possible. Throughout my course, I've learned a lot about the different causes of climate change and how we can work together to find solutions.

Last year, I was part of the Fossil Free Careers campaign, and I'm excited to continue working towards our goals this year. I'm also a part of the Student Sustainability Ambassador Program for this year and hope to learn more about sustainability in practice and make positive changes locally at UCL.

I think it's important to focus on both the negative and positive news that we hear about our environment. While there are certainly challenges to overcome, there are also plenty of opportunities for positive change. As a welfare officer, I hope to help spread awareness about global warming and encourage people to get involved in climate action while ensuring everyone's safety. I also wish to spread positive news, and I feel that the issue of climate anxiety should be an issue to talk openly about. I feel that I am an open and friendly person to discuss this with and would be suited to the role of the climate Action Welfare Officer!  

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