Election post


Hi, I am Suzanne, a second-year ESPS student! I’ve been a member of CAS since my first year because I believe taking action for a better, more fair future is something that should be done in all spaces, at all levels and that’s exactly what CAS allows us to do as students here at UCL! After a year of seeing all the great things CAS offers us from socials to protests on campus, I want to be more involved.

I am applying for social media officer because it seems to be a place where I could be useful: not only am I passionate about the environment, but I am a very creative person, used to working with images as I do photography. I also love writing, whether that is sharing information on climate or trying to bring more people to action. I did an internship in a cultural newspaper for which I interviewed the co-founder and co-director of an organisation working to end fossil fuel sponsorship on culture so I have experience writing about climate-related issues.

Hopefully I’ve convinced you that I’m up for the task, either way, I am looking forward to getting involved anyway I can!

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