How UCL students met their friends...
With over 48,000 students, UCL has the largest student population in the UK. Whilst it may be reassuring to be part of such a large student community, it may also beg the question - how do you find people you gel with?
An insider's guide to the Welcome Fair
Last year, 14,000 students flocked to the Main Quad to bag freebies, learn about the Union and meet clubs and societies. It's always one of the highlights of the year, let alone the week! But with over 200 stalls to visit, it's a pretty major affair. Here are our tips for getting the most out of it...
How to hack your first week at UCL
Written by Isabelle Osbourne, Third-year BA English student & Laura Ihm, Masters in Applied Medical Sciences
10 Ways to Master Life In Halls
Written by Victoria Skala, studying Human Sciences BSc
10 Essential Ingredients For Your University Kitchen
Written by Kayi Yeung, MSc Business Analytics
Welcome to the Volunteering Service 2023
Get involved!Are you interested in adding an extra spin on your UCL experience? Read on to find out more about how you can get involved in volunteering.
What To Expect From University
Written by Kirill Bedenkov, second year BSc Politics and International Relations
Clubbing Safely in London
By Meg Day at SSESS
Your complete guide to student groups
Part of the university experience is making friends, and one of the ways in which you can do this is by joining Clubs and Socieities. Before you start joining, here's all you need to know about them...
10 Ways To Make Friends At UCL
Staring off at university can be daunting, especially when it comes to making friends. We all worry that no one will like us or that university is so big will I really meet "my kind of people"? Being a fresher means going out of your comfort zone sometimes in order to experience all the new things ahead of you.
Need help? We've got you
We all need it, a little bit of help - so that's why our Advice Service is here to offer you free and confidential advice. Undergraduate or postgraduate, from the UK or overseas, straight out of college or returning to study, the Advice Service can help and support you through any of your worries.  
“I like to think that I’ve been able to instil hope in our readers and remind them that they too can contribute to creating a better world.”
Zayna has been volunteering with Good News Shared in her first-year. Read through to see how her writing goodwill articles during COVID-19 has helped her community, and why she finds volunteering so rewarding.
It’s not too late to join societies
By Alexandra Dewing, BA Comparative Literature
Adapting to a new way of studying
University is a vastly different experience. The autonomy enjoyed here is on a completely different level, and getting used to it often requires us to change our work habits. Sounds a bit daunting, but you'll soon become a master of organization and time management!
Why I joined a society and what I gained out of it
It's never too late to startYsabelle Boo, BSc Population Health