Filmbright Ltd
Key information
Job closes

Salary type

Contract type



Working hours

About the job

We are looking for a number of YouTube presenters, to help run our existing Youtube Channels, Social Soda and The Vortex (Review channel)

In particular we are seeking outgoing, dynamic individuals who are comfortable in front of the camera who can also go out in London and create content.

The main aim is to grow the channels subscribers. 

Job description

Role 1: Presenter for Social Soda - Analyse and bring insights to the hot topics on YouTube, For example , this week would be about Kamila Harris and the presidential race. You will need to be an avid YouTuber, watching and digesting content. In particular Piers Morgan, Dave Shapiro, looking at the topical issues they are covering and offering a new slant on the subject. You can interview other students to get their opinions, interview academics from various backgrounds, utilising your background and specialisation, for instance in Law, medicine or Economics to provide insights from your perspective. 

We are also open to new ideas.So feel free to apply and let us know your angle. 

Role 2:  Presenter for The Vortex - is a film review channel, which we are aiming to branch out into other areas, such as books and theatre. If you are a film, theatre or book fanatic, and can watch/ read enough content to create one video a week, this could be the right choice for you. Also gaining interviews with authors and film makers could be interesting for this. 

In all cases you will run and provide the content for the channel for two months, from October - December. We pay £20 per video, you will upload at least once a week. Maximum three times a week. Editing your own content, or sending to us for us to edit in house.

If you can increase the channel by 500 subscribers within the two months, you will receive a bonus of £175 and if you increase the channel by 1000 subscribers, £400 bonus. 

How to apply

Please respond by recording your answers on Vouch -


We look forward to hearing from you.