Election post


Hi everyone! I’m Lily, a First Year Politics and International Relations student who have been active in the London MUN circuit since my first conference in last October, and I’m thrilled at the opportunity of becoming your potential careers director! :D

As UNA’s events officer for the past 2 terms, while successfully coordinated speaker events, I’ve also brainstormed with other members on potential careers events. I'm committed to bringing these ideas to life in the upcoming term and the next academic year, where my experience in the events division will be helpful.

If elected, here are some of my plans:


1. LinkedIn Alumni Group

Being actively engaged on LinkedIn, I’ll continue our current careers director’s duty to share opportunities in UNA’s alumni group;

2. Excel Spreadsheet

I’ll create shared spreadsheets of opportunities and share them on a monthly basis.

Opportunities will vary from job posts (with a primary focus on UN, think tank, civil service, NGO, etc.), fellowships, volunteering, scholarships, etc.


1. Career Panels

Coordinate careers panels with my expanding speaker bank, featuring speakers whose experiences align closely with UNA's theme;

2. Networking Events

Organise intercollegiate networking events where you will be able to connect with likeminded individuals from other universities and professional guests.

I will be truly honoured to have your votes and look forward to carry out these ideas with your support! ;)

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