Election post


Hi everyone! I’m Lucy, I’m in my 2nd year studying medicine and I would love to be your next Stage Crew President.

Being on Stage Crew committee this past year as Equipment Officer and Social Secretary has confirmed to me just how much I enjoy working with you all and I would value the opportunity to further contribute to Stage Crew’s development over the next year.

On committee last year I assisted in choosing and purchasing our new externals lighting desk, which should make running our externals easier and give programmers a wider range of design options. I’ve also helped run several successful socials this year, including pub quizzes and scavenger hunts and, if elected, I would like to ensure a diverse range of socials continue to be offered to our members.

I think that I’m good at communicating, proactive and calm under pressure, qualities that would help me as President. These qualities have allowed me to form good working relationships with members of other societies and the staff that work within and outside of the theatre, all of whom are instrumental to the operation of Stage Crew.

I’ve been lucky enough to have experience working in technical theatre before coming to UCL, with professional experience in sound, lighting, stage management and set. I also have experience teaching these skills and I’m very keen to ensure continued access to training and workshops for all members of Stage Crew.

Finally, Stage Crew has been a major part of my time so far at UCL. It’s a welcoming, supportive community

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