Election post


Hi everyone, my name is Antony, a first year studying biological sciences. I have been playing squash from the age of 11 and have been involved in countless national tournaments reaching a highest ranking of 45th in England (U19). 

Having been playing for the 1s for the 23/24 season, I understand what it takes to win, and have a good grasp of the ins and outs of the LUSL and BUCS leagues, as well as knowledge about what constitutes good team morale and most importantly, I know how to create a fun and enjoyable atmosphere for the team.   

Next year, I wish to host a few more team socials to create a real bonding between players, especially to help the new recruits find their feet. I also hope to integrate the first team with other teams, especially in socials, as I feel this year there have been few opportunities to meet other members of the society. 

Having a large proportion of our team graduate, I hope that we can see a large new crop of talent in next year’s tryouts and hopefully I can help guide UCL to BUCS and LUSL greatness!