Election post


I will assist t he president to borden this society into “Entertainment Business Society ”


1. Attract more members join our society

2.launch more events providing opportunity for face to face communication with business leaders.


The realms of sports and entertainment are vast and brimming with potential for those about to graduate, yet these fields remain largely unexplored by students. Our mission is to rectify this oversight. In the coming year, we will host a series of events featuring distinguished figures from both sectors to facilitate networking, offer fresh perspectives on the industry, and arrange for group excursions to select gatherings.

Our initiative seeks to bridge the gap between students and these lucrative industries. By organizing interactions with established professionals, we aim to open doors to new insights and opportunities, as well as to curate experiences that include visits to notable events, thereby enriching the educational journey.

I hope I can count on your support to be re-elected. Won't let you down, I promise!

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