Election post


Hello everyone!

My name is Marco, and I am currently studying Economics and Statistics. This year I have had the pleasure of being a member of the society and thereby experience its warm and welcoming environment. Being part of such a vibrant and diverse community has been an incredible experience, and therefore I would like to be able to contribute to the society and represent each one of you as Welfare Officer next year.

As Welfare Officer, my dedication lies in fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all members. Growing up around many different cultures I understand the importance of inclusivity and diversity, thus, I am confident that I will be able to ensure that every member feels valued and supported, regardless of their background. I plan on being a reliable point of contact, ensuring that any members can approach me with any issues they may have to further strengthen our community and enhance everyones experience at the society.

With your trust and support, I'm confident we can build an even stronger sense of community within the Spanish and Latin American Society.

¡Espero contar con vuestro apoyo!