Election post


I am a strong believer in maintaining the Somali Society's financial stability, which is why I am running for treasurer. With a strong sense of responsibility and a track record of reliability, I am prepared to dedicate the necessary time and effort to manage the finances effectively. My confidence with numbers and keen attention to detail make me well-suited to maintain accurate records of all financial transactions and ensure funds are spent properly.

Additionally, I am proactive in seeking out opportunities to enhance our society's financial resources. I am eager to take the lead in identifying potential sources of income, whether through fundraising activities, sponsorship opportunities, or grant applications. Creating and executing strategies to secure additional funding will be a priority for me as treasurer.

My organisational skills will be instrumental in planning the annual budget for the society, ensuring that our financial resources are allocated wisely to support our goals and initiatives. I am prepared to represent the financial status of our society at committee meetings, providing comprehensive reports on income and expenditure to guide decision-making processes.

In summary, I believe my reliability, numerical proficiency, organisational abilities, and dedication to the financial well-being of our society make me an ideal candidate for the role of treasurer.