Election post


Hey! My name is Danilo and I am the founder of the UCL Soap Opera Society! Founding this society was one of my main UCL goals and I am hoping to take the society to even greater lengths next year by being president again! This year I have worked hard in getting our society to have 47+ members and hosting collabs with other groups (such as the LGBTQ+ network) and I am currently working hard in working towards our term 3 "Soap Opera Play" and organising details for external organisations to lead workshops for our society! I have also applied for the society to host a play at the Bloomsbury Theatre! Next year, I will help expand the society by:

1.) Sending out a survey earlier on in term 1 in order to figure out the best times for members to attend our socials and soap opera screenings

2.) Make a discord for the society so that our members can discuss a variety of soap operas more easily

3.) Organise collabs with more UCL societies and groups so our members can make more friends and we can have other socials (e.g. "Telenovela Nights" with the Spanish and Latin American Society and Workshops with the Drama Society)

4.) Organise more fun socials (such as pub nights, Kahoot nights, a Trampolining day out and more!)

And more!

I promise to listen to all of our members and make the society the very best it can be! I have also several other UCL societies and groups and thus I have the relevant experience to be president again. Please email me if you have any questions! :)

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