Election post


Hi, I'm Xiaoyu (Alice) Hu. I'm currently a second-year undergrad and I've been in the snowsports society for 2 years now. Having joined the snowsports club since being a fresher, it's always been the best part of my university life.


If I'm elected as the board captain, next year there are a few things I would love to improve on and introduce:

  1. changing the occasional beginner sessions to weekly sessions that will be held at the same time as our regular board training, this way the beginners will be able to get to know the team better and hopefully more likely to stay. 
  2. introduce intermediate sessions. This would be suitable for people who have snowboarded on dry slopes and can link turns.
  3. hold some board servicing sessions.


Some reasons why you should vote for me:

  1. during this year I have helped our board captain (Catrin) closely with training sessions etc. So I have a good knowledge of how everything runs and the responsibilities of the board captain.
  2. I have made some good results in this year's competitions, including 1st place in a female individual race and 2nd place in a team race.
  3. I'm very organised with myself and competent to take up the leadership.
  4. my personality is very extroverted, and I'm a person who’s easy to approach and become friends with. I believe this would help in recruiting new people into the board team.


That is all, thank you and please vote for me.