Election post


Hey! I'm Dren, a Maths student re-doing my first year! 

If I manage to pass my first year this time round, there's nothing more that I'd love than to be President next year. This past year the club has become an integral part of my life, in fact I think I'm yet to miss a Social, which is ironic because last year it was the complete opposite. 

Being Treasurer this year has been a thrilling experience, I've been engaged in almost every aspect of the club, whether this was helping organise trips and competitions, working closely with the union or managing the finances. Overall, I think being treasurer this year has put me in a good position to be the clubs President. 

There are a few ideas I'd love to implement as President, as great of a year it has been, I strongly believe next year can be greater! 

  • Beginner lessons have been a success this year and I think offering intermediate sessions and refresher sessions next year would be a great step forward. 


  • Make communications clearer to club members through our social media platforms so people can schedule Snowsports events easier with their Uni and personal life. 


  • This is a big one so be prepared! Move our groupchats to Whatsapp. 


With a passion for Snowsports and a commitment to enhancing the member experience, I am confident that together we can make next year even more memorable and enjoyable for everyone involved. Let's carve out an unforgettable year on the slopes and beyond!