Election post


Hello! I am standing for the position of Sponsorships Director because I would like to sustain and foster new partnerships to keep SingSoc events accessible. Sponsorships are essential to community building, and I believe that I will be able to foster strong relationships with various organisations with my forthcoming and reliable disposition. I enjoy networking and understanding where an organisation's values lie. This way, SingSoc will be able to seek out more opportunities to work with organisations whose values align with ours so that our events will continue to be impactful. Being efficient and persuasive in communication is imperative to building relationships. Working with small non-profit organisations like Soles4Souls to implement projects to improve their exposure and community impact has certainly taught me how to negotiate, get sponsors on board, and retain them.


I hope to be able to expand SingSoc's sponsorship network by working more extensively with food and beverage outlets so that SingSoc members will be able to enjoy more discounts on daily necessities. Overall, whether these sponsorships are tapped on for events or discounts, what matters most is that we execute meaningful opportunities for SingSoc members to bond and cultivate deep friendships with one another - a cause that I am determined to uphold through being your Sponsorship Director.