Election post


Hi, I’m Tricia and I’m running for the role of Secretary.

Singsoc to me is a giant family, one with many aunties and uncles who gather for big events and celebrations. Seeing familiar faces, and meeting friends old and new, Singsoc fosters the feeling of home away from home—one that I’m especially grateful for.

As a logical and systematic person, I know I’ll thrive in the role of the secretary, adding simple yet structured organisation to all ongoing events. I mean, don’t you think it’s easier to find a book in the library when they’re all arranged in order on the shelves? With a clear mind and organised space, I’m sure to keep the committee atop of the ongoing events.

If elected, not only would i initiate ice-breaking socials to form a cohesive committee, but I would also conduct timely check-ups with committee members—after all, a flexible committee who understands one another commitments is a sustainable committee.  I would go beyond the role of the secretary, getting involved in planning events and supporting other’s initiatives to form a Singsoc that people would like to be involved in, and one in which Singaporeans would feel a sense of home in, just like how it was for me.

Given the chance, I will do my best to support other’s initiatives and interests, be it from the committee members of through feedback from you.