Election post


Hi everyone,

My name is Aman and I am running to be your Networking Officer for Sikh Society.

Sikh Society has been such a valuable and enriching experience for me at university so far, allowing me to learn more about Sikhi, be around like-minded people and have conversations in an environment where I can feel comfortable asking questions and learning more. I have learnt so much more about the support network available and I want to be able to expand and provide more opportunities for our members to network with professionals and academics who can help them feel more confident about the support they have from the Sikh community both personally and professionally. 

To do so I plan to organise more talks, socials and workshops with Sikh professionals who can give valuable insights into what navigating the working and academic worlds have been like through the Sikh perspective. I also hope to connect our members to more opportunities such as scholarships and awards that are provided by the Sikh community that could help our members both in their personal and professional endeavours. 

Additionally, I know I have the skills to be able to carry out this role successfully because I am proactive in finding new opportunities, can speak confidently when reaching out to new people and am organised in my roles.

 If you want to help make this vision a reality and want a representative who can create more opportunities for all our members, vote for me for Networking Officer!

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