Election post


In any society it is important for all of the members to feel connected and have a safe space that will be available and accessible for everyone. I want to create separate events for the society that helps and supports members who may be struggling with things outside and inside sign language classes. I believe that I will be able to connect with the members and help to create an even more welcoming environment for the society and classes.

I have had experience running previous welfare sessions in high school, volunteering with mental health charities for the last few years, as well as experience through my degree (Psychology and Language Sciences) on how to handle and help mental health. 

Through this role I want to establish weekly sessions outside of sign language classes for the members to have a space to talk about any issues they are having. I want to set up social events that explore mental heath in the d/Deaf community and mental health in general, how to sign it and talk about it, to educate, inform and interest people in the society. 

Finally, I want to be there to make sessions more accessible for people; for example for those who are less confident to come to sessions, I want to be able to help by encouraging those who are struggling or not as confident so that the sessions are as fun as possible for everyone! 

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