Election post


Hello!! I’m Leah, and I’m a second year BA History of Art student. I’ve been a member of Shakespeare society since I joined the uni, and would love to be able to help it progress and thrive next academic year.

I had interacted with Shakespeare very little before I came to UCL, but through the society I was granted so many opportunities, and have met so many lovely people I have through doing shows, attending workshops etc., and I would aim to encourage others to ‘step out their comfort zones,’ and to ensure Shakespeare society is an open, comfortable space in which people are able to do so.

As welfare officer, my primary aim would be to ensure the society is a consistently inclusive, welcoming space. Shakespeare can (understandably) be a pretty daunting thing to approach, and I would plan to work on increasing active membership with the society through ensuring everyone (whether they’re existing or new members) feels welcomed, wanted and valued within the society.

Thanks for reading my spiel, I hope it was convincing! And please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions (or if you want to know about the 12th century wall I'm posing with in my photo)

Leah :)

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