Election post


Hey everyone! I'm Diya and I'm studying Biomedical Sciences at UCL - I would like to apply for the position of President. As a First Year Rep, I've loved getting to know the committee, brainstorming ideas for events, and co-writing Science Magazine's very first biweekly News-Bites! Going forward, I would like to continue these initiatives with 3 goals in mind:

  • I'm eager to initiate more careers/networking events that cater to larger student groups at UCL and foster important skills related to topics like entrepreneurship, careers in journalism vs scientific publication, and public health policy.
  • I'd like to organise regular society collaborations and social events like pub quizzes, movie nights, and welfare sessions for members to meet each other and do fun activities together. I hope to introduce a mentor/family system for first year members to network with STEM students from older years. 
  • I am keen to host a university-wide competition with an interdisciplinary theme, encouraging creative science-related artwork, comics, and articles by UCL students.

I’m applying for the President role because writing has always been one of my favourite hobbies. Whether you are experienced or new to writing, I'd love to work with you and help you shape your article into a final product that you can cherish for years to come! If you'd like to read some of my articles, do have a look at my bioscience newsletter:

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