Election post


Hey, I’m Savani! As a person who has a keen interest in fostering a culture of research and learning in the society, I want to bring my enthusiasm to the role and would like to propose the following:

1)Research Groups: Establish research groups where students can collaborate with UCL PhD candidates. This will provide our members with valuable guidance and mentorship while learning from ongoing research projects. By bridging the gap between undergraduate and postgraduate levels, this will facilitate knowledge exchange within our community.

2)Workshop-Based Events: Organising more workshop-based events focused on academic writing, journalism, and research methods. These workshops will equip our members with essential skills for communicating scientific ideas effectively and navigating the research process.

3)Research Evening: Host events where members can come and wrack their brain on questions of their choice related to a speaker’s area of research. Members can spend some time understanding ideas behind the research and delve into topics of their choice, which will make for a more engaging and fulfilling speaker event at the end of the night (and perhaps a social!)

With my ideas and commitment to executing programs which garner a sense of intellectual curiosity paired with my organisational skills, I feel like I would be a good candidate for the role of Academic Officer. I look forward to collaborate with my colleagues to create an inclusive space for all our members, thanks!

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