Election post


Hi everyone!


My name is Ryem, and I am a current 1st year student at SSEES studying Politics & Sociology. 

I have felt at home since my first day at SSEES and want to make sure this trend continues onwards for our remaining and incoming students in 2024-2025.

Thus, I am nominating myself for the position of events officer, and have prior experience in the creation and management of events. 

For example, as a National Honour Society member within Kyiv International School, I have successfully managed a global 20-school speech & debate tournament to name one. To add to that, as a Secondary II student representative, I was responsible for the creation of sports days, seasonal/holiday events (homecoming/valentines/clash of classes), and educational projects. I have also been an active student, mirroring previous examples, at EF Academy Oxford. 

My initiatives are as follows: 

1. Creation of a new type of event - X country day, celebrating each SSEES country's culture: food, drinks, dances, prized competitions. 

2. Increasing the number of socials - 2 a month minimum, in addition to present educational events (embassy visits, ambassador/executive talks). 

3. Sports/Activities days - fun and/or competitive team events within SSEES and against other societies (eg. SSEES Society vs. European Society, SSEES Society vs. UCL IR Society).


Thank you for your support! 

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