Election post


Hi all!

My name is Artur, currently a 2nd-year P&S student, and I am running for Treasurer.

I am committed to the responsible management of the society's finances, ensuring that every penny is allocated towards student activities at SSEES. 

If elected, I will work with the committee to:

- Deliver SSEES Merch - we will contract RedBird apparel to create high-quality, affordable, and varied SSEES merch

- Increase the number and quality of socials - to showcase the diverse cultures of Eastern Europe

- Bimonthly vodka tastings -  I will ensure that our budget accommodates this and other SSEES events, allowing students to take part in every event free of charge.


As Treasurer for the Ukrainian Society, I gained an understanding of the financial and organisational aspects essential for the Treasurer role. As Events Officer for the SSEES Society, I helped organise numerous successful events throughout the year - so I know what it takes to be part of the SSEES Society committee. Also, as the representative for my course I managed to successfully defend our rights, especially when I initiated the change of CPA research design submission date.

A vote for me - is a vote for delivering SSEES merch, having more socials and enjoying bimonthly vodka tastings!
