Election post


Hi everyone! I am Kelly, and some of you may know me as this year's BPSA officer. I am committed to foster a sense of community within SoP, and empower pharmacy students by offering a diverse range of opportunities. As your Vice president, I am determined to: 

1. Enhance academic support:

  • Facilitating year-specific exam preparation and group study sessions. 
  • Improving induction week through experience-sharing sessions from previous cohorts. 
  • Sustaining Mock OSCE practice sessions (For Year 1 and 2), and offering assessor opportunities (For Year 3 and 4). 
  • Providing portfolio support and sharing placement tips. 

2. Implement regular social events: 

  • Hosting various engaging social events throughout the year, including games nights, cultural day, and the highly anticipated annual ball/party. 
  • Organising a welcome event for freshers, and a memorable farewell event for leavers. 
  • Strengthening our society's network through collaboration with other societies and external organisations, including BPSA. 

3. Provide career-oriented support:   

  • Broadening exposure to industry pharmacy through hosting speaker events with leaders in the field. 
  • Keeping you informed about placement and internship opportunities.

My experience on committee this year has been incredibly fulfilling, and I hope to continue serving our community as Vice President in the next academic year! Thank you for your consideration. 

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