Election post



I’m Arnav, a second-year medic, and I would love to be your RUMS Equity Officer for 2024-25. There is honestly much to admire about the diversity of cultures and communities within RUMS. Via this role, I aim to celebrate that which is special to each of us and bring together medical students in an inclusive setting where your voices can be heard, respected, and responded to.

As Equity Officer, my goals will be to:

  • Strengthen student feedback by hearing from you through forms and focus groups to reinforce the connection between RUMS and the wider student network.
  • Support RUMS VPs to promote inclusivity in their work – improving accessibility to events, important welfare resources, and networking opportunities.
  • Collaborate with UCLMS EDI and follow through on projects from the previous officer to establish a rapport with the medical school for voicing student opinions, clinical and preclinical.
  • Work with different RUMS networks such as LGBTQ+ and Afro-Caribbean Medics to better support and provide resources for underrepresented groups.
  • Work with the General Secretary to celebrate our communities in the newsletter and beyond, and to be a friendly, approachable face overall.

Being in RUMS VP subcommittees and a Spectrum volunteer has given me key exposure alongside organisational and interpersonal skills. With your support, I will put these learnings towards achieving my aims to foster a safer, more welcoming environment where we can excel together at medical school!

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