Election post


Hey guys! This is Jess, one of the locks on the team, and I’m nominating myself to be President for next year!

There are a few reasons why I want to be President, and the biggest is how much I want to give back to this team. I’ve only played rugby since September, but it has already had a huge positive impact on me. Not to mention all of the amazing friendships I’ve made!

I’ve developed leadership skills through a variety of leadership roles. At the moment, I’m Lead Rep for my course and leading a volunteer tutor group. Besides anything, this has improved my time management skills! Most importantly though, I led my DofE team in 2017 (immediate hire). I’ve learnt that listening and inclusivity are key for strong leadership, and I’ve improved my communication and problem-solving skills. I’m also now comfortable with managing plenty of admin (it helps I’m a bit of a dork for spreadsheets).

Rugby is a hard sport. Our energy levels and our headspace have such a major impact on our performance and how much we enjoy a game. Celebrating achievements no matter how small goes a long way in keeping our energy and headspaces in the green. Because of this, my greatest goal is to ensure everyone feels supported, valued and like an absolute beast on the pitch. Kings will quiver in their boots.

Overall, I’m beyond grateful for this club, and the opportunities I’ve had this year. It only feels right that I give back in this way, and continue the legacy of the incredible 2023-24 committee!

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