Election post


My decision to run for Communications Officer stems from a combination of my diverse background and passion for fostering strong connections within our team. Having joined UCLWRFC this past year, I bring a fresh perspective and a hunger to contribute meaningfully to our team's growth and cohesion.

One of my greatest assets lies in my ability to communicate across various languages and cultures. Having lived in seven countries, I have developed a deep understanding of the importance of clear and inclusive communication in bridging diverse perspectives. I am also fluent in multiple languages, and I believe this linguistic versatility will enable me to engage with a broader audience.

I am committed to leveraging both traditional and digital platforms to streamline communication channels, disseminate important information, and promote our events and initiatives with clarity and enthusiasm. Moreover, I am keenly aware of the pivotal role effective communication plays in fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for all members, regardless of experience or background. I am dedicated to amplifying the voices of our diverse membership, actively soliciting feedback, and implementing initiatives that cater to the evolving needs and interests of our team.

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