Election post


Health is wealth. Whether it be physical or mental I’ll be here to help. I am a big believer of what develops a team from a good to an excellent one is making sure everyone is seen an equal, and as the welfare officer I will bring that attitude toward training, games and most importantly, socials. I will always lend an ear or a helping hand to any who feel unhappy within their situation within the club, and most importantly to have a chat to keep a check on everyone of the members to develop a cooperative environment. Developing a safe space to be open is very important to me, and I want to bring the best out of each and every member, and to do that you need a clear head which is why I will keep my number available to chat to whoever, about whatever, whenever. 
It’s not all about the game, it’s also about developing as mates, which will translate into our jelling on the pitch. Keeping healthy physically is of-course important but I believe having the right mental attitude toward each other will bring us to a place of true development.

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