Election post


I really despise losing, and no doubt there has been suffering this year. But now I’m back, a fresh year calls for a fresh start. I have the ability, experience and drive to get us back to where we truly belong, as a team who all love this beautiful madness of a game. Here is what I plan to implement:

- Fast offloading game in attack. Keeping the ball alive and speed from the ruck breaks teams
- Taking the ball at speed. Momentum is everything: if you take it stationary, you’re screwed
- Aggression in defence. There needs to be more psychos on the field.
- This has to become more competitive. I will provide every opportunity for players to prove themselves and play in the position that they desire to be in
- Drills relevant to the tactics above will be included
- BE PUNCTUAL. Anyone excessively late/hungover, I feel sorry for what will happen to you
- Very few people are currently strong enough to properly excel in this game. I will release more position-based programmes before the summer, including strength standards for each position that MUST be attained by pre-season
- Cardio: again, this is poor at the moment. 1 HIIT and 1 LISS session per week
- Nobody is above anyone else
- Transparency: nobody going behind others’ backs. If you have an issue, grow a pair and go to them directly in a calm manner OR come to me. Those are the only 2 options

It's time to get back on the map boys. 24/25 is ours.