Election post


Having previously served as the Head of Marketing for the Real Estate Society during my second year, I've had a firsthand glimpse into the power of holding the position of president in the Society. One of the most significant insights I gained from my experience was the role's ability to foster valuable industry connections, which motivates me to stand for the position.

Firstly, taking on the responsibilities of the President would undoubtedly sharpen my hard skills in market research, commercial awareness, and strategic planning. Secondly, it presents an unparalleled opportunity to refine my soft skills, particularly leadership, communication, and teamwork. Guiding a diverse group of individuals with varying backgrounds and skill sets towards a common goal demands effective communication and conflict resolution skills. These interpersonal skills are not only crucial in the realm of real estate but are also transferable to any professional setting, which will be useful to me in the future.

In conclusion, my decision to nominate myself for the position of President of the University Real Estate Society is driven by a desire for personal growth, a commitment to serving others, and a vision of creating a vibrant and close knit network of real estate enthusiasts. Through this role, I aspire to enhance my hard and soft skills while empowering fellow members to realise their full potential by facilitating interactions with industry professionals.