Election post


Kiddha everyone, I'm Suraj and I am applying to be your Welfare Officer. I aim to be helpful in the committee and to those attending our society and events. I think my personal traits would be a good fit for this role

Punjabi soc this year has put me in touch with so many people whether this is committee or even those who have attended the events. As such, I have been able to make good connections and would therefore be a good person to reach out to regarding any welfare concerns.

My experiences have developed my communication ability - through being part of various bands, a dance team, and volunteering at a hospice, I have been able to help people with their concerns and issues. I see this as key to a welfare officer's role. Furthermore, I have been willing to help out and engage with Punjabi soc events and by extension this would fit well on committee.

By having these character traits and experiences, I am confident that I would make a good Welfare Officer. I hope I get to work with the team soon!

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