Election post


Hi! I'm Kymie, and I hope you'll vote me to be your Social Media Manager! :)

Although I am a 2nd year BA Linguistics student, I have only been a part of our society for two months. Pole has been something that I've wanted to do for quite a while now, but it has always seemed daunting, especially when observing the incredibly talented pole community work their magic so effortlessly, and with such grace! However, joining the society has opened my eyes to the remarkable diversity and inclusiveness within our community, where solidarity and support flourish, in both classes and in open practices!

Give its accessibility, social media serves as a vital point of contact for prospective members, offering them a glimpse into our community's culture and activities without the pressure of immediate judgment, or of being perceived (real). In the role of Social Media Manager, I aim to showcase our community's welcoming spirit, and the camaraderie that defines us, ensuring that our online presence accurately reflects the inclusivity and support that new members can expect!

Having joined so recently also puts me in a unique position to authentically connect with new, potential, and current members. I hope to share the diverse experiences and journeys of our members across all skill-levels, creating content that resonates with a broad audience and encourages participation! Your vote for me as Social Media Manager is a vote towards a more inclusive, supportive, and connected community!

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