Election post


Hello! I am Eileen, a second-year student running for your arts officer. I believe I have the experience, propensity for feedback, and strive for improvement essential for an effective arts officer. I have designed posters and infographics for many different societies using digital art tools such as Canva, Adobe Indesign, and Procreate, and I hope to use these skills to both preserve and evolve the distinctive style set by my predecessors. Additionally, I consider myself to be a well-organized person, which will allow me to rise to the responsibilities that come with being on a committee.

The variety of arts and crafts available is one of the things I appreciate the most about this year’s Pokésoc. As arts officer, I would continue existing events as well as adding new ones depending on our memes’ suggestions. Additionally, depending on interest, I would organize larger-scale collaborative art projects involving multiple members, as I believe this can be a great stress-free creative outlet as well as promoting a sense of community within the society.

Pokésoc has been an incredibly important part of my year at uni; it has been a safe and welcoming place whenever I have needed it, and I have forged many meaningful relationships here. Hence, for the next year, I wish to give back to the community, to use my skills to promote the society to people who might be in need and work to create an evironment that can be as beneficial to others as it has been to me.

Preferred pronouns
She / Her