Election post


Following on from a year of collaboration with writers and enriching exchanges with fellow editors as co-section editor for opinion; I am running for Online Co-Editor in Chief to carry forward the unique and exciting nature of Pi.

Over the past year, I have developed a strong understanding and affection for the project. Having been able to work alongside incredible editors; learning of interesting ideas and takes from writers on pertinent questions, and having provided thought-provoking commissions I am motivated to participate in this promising next chapter.

In the aim of continuing the remarkable work done by the current team, providing continual improvement to Pi Online and improving the experience for editors, maintaining dynamic weekly newsrooms is essential. To improve writer-editor dialogue and incite new hesitant writers to share their ideas, I would work on launching a voluntary pilot program of office-hour style ‘writer with editor’ meetings. In the spirit of resolving the issues current editors face, I plan on developing a project for solo photographers to provide images for our articles, ensuring they get spotlight recognition, adding to the range of visual art editors can use and fostering intra-UCL partnerships.

Because of Pi Media, I have shared cherished moments, that I had not expected at the beginning. I hope to be able to keep contributing to this very special project.

Thank you for your consideration.

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