Election post


As a MSci Physics student myself, I acknowledge the need for academic support throughout the academic year and additional resources to reinforce enthusiasm and knowledge of the various fields of interest. I also recognise the responsibility of the Physics Society Academic Officer organise events that will foster academic interest and boost the confidence of members in their ambitions, which includes venturing into any field post-graduation. As such, in this role, I plan to hold mentoring workshops where undergraduate students can seek guidance in their work, and liaise collaborations with other UCL societies, UK universities and external organisations to provide a well-rounded, multi-faceted perspective on the opportunities available with a Physics education. 

My relevant experiences include:

  • Learning Leader and Senior Learning Leader roles at school, where I had voiced out academic concerns and facilitated the introduction of effective learning methods during the pandemic.
  • Chairperson of my school Student Council, a role which has equipped me with the leadership and communication skills to delegate ideas and execute my duties with dedication.
  • Current Student Lead of Academic Events for the UCL Women in Physics Group, where I had recently successfully hosted a careers panel event for Women in Tech as part of the initiative to destigmatise and encourage participation of women in STEM.
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