Election post


I have thoroughly enjoyed being President of PhotoSoc for the past two years. I have one more year of my PhD left, and I would love to continue help running the society. As President, various society organisation tasks take up a lot of time, and I would like to focus on specific parts of the society to (hopefully) make it the best I can be. Particularly, I would like to increase the number of darkroom sessions (and expand them to cover film developing as well as colour printing). I would also like to improve the society’s equipment inventory and members’ access to it (this year I have also been the Treasurer for the Film and TV Society, and I would like to put my new skills to use in acquiring grants for new shiny equipment for the society).

I believe that I would be able to better focus on these things from the Treasurer position, alongside supporting the new President in the running of the society with my existing experience of the Students’ Union processes (very fun stuff).