Election post


Hi! My name is Katherine, and I'm running for Welfare Officer :)

Over the past year, I have worked on the Philosophy Society committee as the media officer, making posts, managing instagram/facebook/wattsapp, as well as working alongside the other committee members. I greatly enjoyed my work as a member of the committee to hold talks, plan events, and just hear the great ideas coming from our members.

I would like to stay on the committee next year as the welfare officer, and here are the reasons why:

- As a disabled, queer person, I'd like to see more topics of inclusivity included. I also want to get a closer feel of what the members of philosophy society wants to talk about. I feel that as the welfare officer, I have more direct ability to connect with the members and raise points-of-need to the committee.

- I have experience working in the philosophy society committee. So, I will already be familiar with the proceedings with how the committee works.

- I fluently use multiple social medias. It will be easy to contact me.

- I am a student of the philosophy department. Therefore, I am familiar with the courses and topics in philosophy.

- I am very sociable and easy to approach :) I also love meeting people and talking with them, so this would be a job I will greatly enjoy.

Please vote for me!


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