Election post


Hi, I'm Iz, and I'm applying for the role of treasurer. I'd love to give back to UCL Parkour Soc, and since I believe I'd be a good fit for this role, I thought this would be a nice way to do it!

I'm organised, dedicated, enjoy maths (physics degree victim) and I already do my mother's invoices for her work, so I know my way around an Excel spreadsheet. Realistically, my career will be in finance if I don't go into researching some silly area of theoretical physics, so it's probably fate that I apply for treasurer. I'd make sure to prioritise getting everything done with good time, and that the budget is deligated so that members and committee benefit as much as possible (as well as Jason). I know this role comes with a lot of responsibility, but I'm prepared to take that on, along with whoever else ends up in the committee (and everyone's so nice here so that's really no worry).

I've had such a wonderful time with Parkour Soc and I hope you all trust that the next committee will bring just as much fun as the current committee has.
Thank you!

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