Election post


Having been an active committee member in the past, I thoroughly enjoyed the strong sense of community that the society offered allowing me to make some good friends and enjoy myself more, giving me a chance to detach from the stress of academia. I wish to continue being part of the committee and feel I could bring a lot to this role.

I aim to foster a strong, inclusive, and vibrant sense of belonging within Pakistan Society, creating an environment where all members feel valued and heard. By creating a more connected and supportive network I want to help to ensure that our society not only celebrates Pakistani culture but also showcases the inclusivity of UCL.

I have experience in supporting the society, previously taking the role of the welfare officer, and I believe that, as a senior rep, I would be able to help elevate the society to the next level, bringing in more ideas for cultural events and using feedback from our members to better tailor our events so that students are able to enjoy themselves more.

I hope the following academic year will be exciting for PakSoc and I aim to do my part in helping to ensure the success of our society. 

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