Election post


Hi, I’m Scarlett and I play social netball, and one of the best things I have done since coming to UCL in September is joining UCNC. I want everyone to love being a part of the club as much as I do, so I thought it was only right to apply to be next year's social sec!

I have been highly dedicated to Wednesday nights this year, having missed a grand total of one Scala - an achievement that was embarrassing to brag about until now. Following in Eve and Florrie’s footsteps, I vow to organise fun and creative socials every week, and would love to take on board any of your ideas to continue making Wednesday nights as exciting and inclusive as possible.

As much as I obviously love Scala, the most important part of UCNC is the friendships within it, which is why I would also like to organise a few extra socials at the weekend that aren’t centred around drinking. As well as this, I feel that introducing netball families, made up of players of all ages across all teams, would help to bring everyone together during socials and give people the chance to make connections with others they may not have met otherwise.

Being next year's social sec would finally make the outrageous number of jägerbombs consumed in Scala worthwhile and meaningful. So please vote for me!

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