Election post


I'm llina, and I'm a first year BASc Arts and Sciences student. I am standing for the position of President because I am very passionate and about nature and conservation, as well as the environment in general. Therefore, I am very keen to be involved in organising and facilitating engaging activities for members of the Nature & Conservation Society to partake in.

As an intern with WWF Singapore, in which I helped create content for and facilitate their citizen science Cyber Spotter Programme, which enables volunteers to spot and report online illegal wildlife listings. I am also a volunteer with the Herpetological Society of Singapore (HSS), and have operated a booth at multiple events, including the Festival of Biodiversity, to educate members of the public about the importance of reptiles and amphibians in the ecosystem. Additionally, I have a very strong interest in wildlife photography, and enjoy doing this in my leisure time.

In fact, around the beginning of Term 2, I gave a conservation talk to members of NatSoc about illegal wildlife trade, reptile and amphibian conservation, as well as my work with WWF and HSS.

If elected, I intend to help plan events such as seminars by experts (perhaps by engaging with my former colleagues), conservation talks by students, guided nature walks, and pub socials. I would also do my best to ensure that the society runs smoothly, within its Constitution, and act as the primary point of contact between the union and society members.

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